Back to back proof that airbnb is corrupt and cares less about hosts. They should be sued for stealing hosts money. As far as I’m concerned without protection for own livelihood aka NO HOST protection on airbnb terms; thereby, using their site is a gamble at best. Be prepared to pay full rent for guests who bail or cancel. Is it that hard to imagine fake guests who never check-in, find a reason to find you in violation, then airbnb gets their fee no matter what. Imagine this corporate fraud on a global scale. CAUTION: Airbnb sides with guests, everytime regardless of their violations to hosts or policies since they bring the money. So airbnb sees it as lets not make the money mad but screw the hosts who take the chance and lose rent since the calendar is blocked or too late for anyone else on airbnb to have interest in the listing on time not to lose money. You will in turn pay rent to landlord or your mortgage thinking you have a booking then they cancel before showing up.