Sick of Greedy Airbnb Hosts

I’m trying to get a partial refund from our host as we unfortunately had to cancel our trip due to COVID-19. Her cancellation policy is strict but a tiny bit of compassion and flexibility would be so welcome these days. Times are tough for everyone — I get this — but the host (who is a real estate agent by the way) is ignoring our emails which I find extremely frustrating.

Airbnb has tried to help but with no success. I have never reported a listing or complained about anybody online but I find the greedy attitude of this Airbnb host baffling and frankly I am sick of these sort of people. We are shutting down our account and will be looking at more ethical travel options. If you are travelling to Inverness, Scotland spend your travel money wisely and stay away from this host.

Posted in Airbnb Guest Stories and tagged , , , , , .


  1. This is totally AirBnB’s fault. They are putting guests and hosts against eachother and not taking any responsibility themselves. Kong S is a troll, don’t pay attention to him. Hopefully AirBnB will wind up going out of business after their terrible handling of this crisis. If you’d like to sign and share a petition about it, click here:

  2. Full refunds are given if the trip falls within the COVID dates. It has nothing to do with the Host, it’s all on Airbnb. Call again and again.

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